Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Recruitment Strategy and Job Offer Process Paper Research
Enlistment Strategy and Job Offer Process - Research Paper Example This paper will even give understanding in regards to the best procedure of enrollment that associations can use so as to pull in the most wanted candidates related with their industry and, in conclusion, the paper will give knowledge in regards to how associations continue to extend to an employment opportunity to a chose candidate. Assorted Recruitment Strategies The term enrollment is utilized to allude to the way toward drawing in pool of wanted candidates so as to satisfy the current empty situations in a specific association and even to keep up a pool of candidates for future opening. An association has different enrollment techniques to browse; associations can select between open just as focused enlistment methodologies. Open enrollment techniques are utilized by associations when they are hoping to fill in a significant number quantities of various positions and in any event, when these positions require various types of representatives from different foundations. For instan ce, a school hoping to enlist instructors, sports staff and chiefs for the school may utilize open enrollment technique as the places that should be filled require individuals with various KSAs (Knowledge, Skills and Abilities). Open enlistment methodologies are even utilized by associations when they are recruiting workers for passage level positions and when explicit people with explicit KSAs are not wanted. While recruiting for passage level and student level positions, workers are less decided on their KSAs and choices of employing are for the most part made based on their relational abilities and fundamental registering aptitudes. For instance, when a business is hoping to fill the board learner positions in the association, they utilize open enrollment technique so as to draw in people from various orders including promoting, HR, bookkeeping, and so on. They do so on the grounds that those people who are chosen for these positions are given presentation of all divisions before they are at long last chosen in one of the offices. Another enlistment technique utilized by associations is focused on enrollment system. This procedure is used by associations when they have explicit necessities to meet for a specific empty position (Hurd, Barcelona, and Meldrum 2008, p.243). These prerequisites incorporate people having explicit aptitudes, instructive foundation and level of understanding. This system is even actualized when associations embrace positive activities. A constructive activity alludes to a companyââ¬â¢s methodology of focusing on explicit individuals from a particular gathering which is viewed as a minority. For example, while directing enrollment action for an electrical designer, an organization will post include for the position while drawing in candidates who have mastery in specialized hardware, who know about application and activity of various types of gear of science and innovation. Choosing Recruitment Strategy While choosing about which enlistment methodology to send, an association needs to contemplate the necessities of the empty position(s) that should be filled. On the off chance that an association is directing enlistment while attempting to pull in representatives with explicit KSAs, they ought to settle on focused enrollment system. Associations have gotten very specific while conveying enrollment methodologies because of the negative monetary conditions. For instance, a business is managing in bookkeeping and a firm that gives reviewing administrations may look
Saturday, August 22, 2020
The Solar System Essay Research Paper Assignment free essay sample
The Solar System Essay, Research Paper Task 1: The Solar System The close planetary system comprises of the Sun ; the nine planets, 67 orbiters of the planets and a major figure of minimal natural structures ( comets and space rocks ) . The inward nearby planetary group contains the Sun, Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars: The planets of the external close planetary system are Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto: The circles of the planets are ovals with the Sun at one point of convergence, however all aside from Mercury and Pluto are extremely about round. The circles of the planets are on the whole pretty much in a similar plane ( called the ecliptic and characterized by the plane of the Earth # 8217 ; s circle ) . The ecliptic is slanted simply 7 evaluations from the plane of the Sun # 8217 ; s equator. Pluto # 8217 ; s circle digresses the most from the plane of the ecliptic with a manner of 17 evaluations. Beneath you see a graph that give some relative data about the majority of the articles in our Solar System: Measurement ( kilometer ) Moons Surface temp. We will compose a custom article test on The Solar System Essay Research Paper Assignment or on the other hand any comparative point explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page Surface attractive energy Axial attitude Axial revolving movement The Sun 1 390 000 # 8211 ; 5800c # 8211 ; 25 # 8211 ; 36 yearss Mercury 4 878 None 350c/ - 170c 0.38 0 58 yearss Venus 12 104 None 480c 0.9 178 243 yearss The Earth 12 756 1 20c 1 23.4 23h 56m Red planets 6 787 None - 23c 0.38 24 24h 37m Jupiter N/A 16 - 150c 2.64 3.1 9h 50m Saturn 199 300 18 - 180c 1.2 26.7 10h 39m Uranus 51 800 15 - 210c 1.2 98 17h 10m Neptune 49 500 8 - 220c 1.2 29.5 18h 24m Pluto 2 320 1 N/A 0.04 50 178 mature ages The Moon 3 474 # 8211 ; 107c/ - 153c 0.17 1.5 27 yearss The Sun The Sun is the a large portion of import part of our close planetary system. It is the greatest item and holds around 98 % of the entire mass of the nearby planetary group. Around 1,3 billion Earths would suit inside the Sun. The Sun goes around the cosmic system along with planets and different articles bound to it by gravitative powers. The biggest of the natural structures we call planets, the majority of which are in twist are circled by littler Moons or orbiters. These items, along with numerous lesser hoards, are known as the Solar framework. The Sun is simply a star, one of a 100 billion populating our system altogether. Bing a star the Sun is a representation of the cardinal structure squares of our reality. It shaped, 4.5 billion mature ages prior, as the karyon of a haze of gas which was fall ining under its ain gravitative alluring power. At development, H was the most bottomless gas, as somewhere else in the presence, and represented seventy five percent of the Sun # 8217 ; s unique stuff. This will modify as the H is scorched, and inside the extremely cardinal parts for all intents and purposes all the H has been changed over to He. The external parts have non yet taken bit in H ignition. Space experts have estimated the concoction making out of the Sun, and can along these lines check that of the underlying sun powered cloud from which the Sun and planets framed. In add-on to 78 for each centum by weight of H, they see 20 for each centum as helium, while simply 2 for every centum stays for different components, for example, O, C, N, and Fe. In this manner, as its H gets exhausted, it will grow into a gigantic reddish star, expanding to soak the Earth and the inside planets. The remainder Sun will soften a little bit at a time to limbo, go throughing through the white smaller person stage on its way. Mercury Mercury is named after the dispatch of the Roman Gods. It is the littlest of the inside planets and the second littlest in the entire Solar System. It has an extremely feeble attractive field and # 8211 ; being the nearest planet to the Sun # 8211 ; has just a truly meager climate of He caught from the sun powered air current. The outside of Mercury is extremely much like the Moon # 8217 ; s # 8211 ; with pits, mountains and vales. Since there is no signifier of climate, life on Mercury is inconceivable. Nor will at that spot be any kept an eye on trips in the forseeable from now on. Be that as it may, there will be new remote-controlled examinations conveyed, if only to complete the guide of the surface. In spite of the fact that Mercury has only a third the width of Earth, its thickness is about the equivalent. This recommends 65 to 70 for every centum of Mercury # 8217 ; s weight is comprised of a substantial stuff, likely Fe. This is packed in Mercury # 8217 ; s enormous core. The external bed is made of sillicate stone like the Earth # 8217 ; s mantle. Venus Venus is named after the Roman goddess of adoration. It is the second planet from the Sun and the most splendid item in the sky other than the Sun and the Moon. It was one time accepted that life could be in Venus however that has been demonstrated off base by grouped examinations. Indeed, Venus has the most antagonistic condition in the full Solar System. The surface temperature is brutally hot and the air power per unit zone is abusing. One of the more apparent things that different Venus from the various planets in our close planetary system is that it pivots from E to west ( the various planets turn from West to east ) . Along these lines, Venus is supposed to be about topsy turvy. Conditionss may hold been exceptional in the days gone by. In the early periods of the Solar System, the Sun was non each piece brilliant as it is presently thus Venus and the Earth would hold framed in like manner. At the point when the Sun got more splendid, the Earth was far bounty off to escape genuine mischief yet Venus was non. The surface temperature rose and the seas evaporated. Earth The Earth, the third planet ( stone ) from the Sun, is the biggest of the inside planets what's more has the most elevated thickness. It is the solitary planet in the Solar System to be secured for the most part with H2O, the solitary planet with a feeling made up primarily of N and O and the solitary natural structure that has a temperature reasonable for life of the sort that we know. It is other than the solitary inside planet with a major Moon # 8211 ; Mercury and Venus have none and the Martian Moons are pretty much nothing. In the event that the conditions on the Earth changed even fairly, the life as we probably am aware it could expire out. The Earth # 8217 ; s turning movement period is non unchanging. It is simple stretching because of tidal conflict between the seas and the ocean bottom. This is brought about by the impact of the Moon. Our Moon The Moon has intrigued world all through the ages. By just sing with the exposed oculus, one can spot two significant sorts of territory: similarly splendid Highlandss and darker fields. Current insight of the Moon is more noteworthy than for some other nearby planetary group object with the exception of Earth. This loans to a more prominent anxiety of geologic methodology and more remote handle of the intricacy of terrestrial planets. The similarly brilliant, all things considered, cratered Highlandss are called terrae. The pits and bowls in the Highlandss are shaped by shooting star. Red planets Red planets is the fourth planet from the Sun and the seventh biggest. Mars is here and there alluded to as the Red Planet. The name of the month March gets from Mars. Mars has been known since ancient occasions. Aside from Earth, Mars has the moment T very shifted and fascinating landscape of any of the terrestrial planets. One being Olympus Mons, the biggest mountain in the Solar System lifting 24 kilometer ( 78,000 ft. ) over the environing field. Like Mercury and the Moon, Mars seems to miss dynamic command post tectonics at present ; there is no grounds of late even motion of the surface, for example, the collapsed mountains so basic on Earth. Jupiter Jupiter is named after the male ruler of the Roman Gods. It is the biggest planet in the Solar System, the fifth planet from the Sun and the first of the external planets Jupiter has had a prevailing outcome on a major segment of the Solar System. All things considered, Jupiter # 8217 ; s massive attractive energy has kept a planet from arranging in the nation currently involved by the Asteroid Belt. Jupiter has an attractive field multiple times more grounded than that of the Earth # 8217 ; s, holding an obliterating result on its Moons. Saturn Saturn is the sixth planet from the Sun and the second biggest: In Roman folklore, Saturn is the God of agribusiness and has been known since ancient occasions. Galileo was the first to recognize it with a telescope in 1610 ; he noticed its lopsided visual viewpoint however was confounded by it. Early perceptions of Saturn were confounded by the way that the Earth goes through the plane of Saturn # 8217 ; s rings each couple of mature ages as Saturn moves in its circle Like Jupiter, Saturn is around 75 % H and 25 % He with traces of H2O, methane, ammonium hydroxide and # 8220 ; stone # 8221 ; , like the making out of the native Solar Nebula from which the nearby planetary group was shaped. Ouranos Uranus is the Forth biggest planet in the Solar System and the seventh from the Sun. Named after the male parent of Saturn, Uranus is a pale blue green shading material because of the methane in its atmosphere. Its attractive pivot is at 60 evaluations to its hub of turning movement. The strange pivotal joust may hold been brought about by a hit by a major natural structure right off the bat in Uranus # 8217 ; life. Researchers must anticipate another unending strategic. Uranus is made primarily out of stone and grouped frosts, with simply around 15 % H and a little He ( rather than Jupiter and Saturn which are generally hydrogen ) . Neptune Neptune # 8211 ; named after the Roman God of the ocean # 8211 ; was found using mathematic calculations dependent on the circle of Uranus. It is the third biggest planet in the Solar System and is regularly the second last planet in separation. In view of Pluto # 8217 ; s eccentic circle, Neptune is the last planet for 20 mature ages each 247 mature ages. Neptune was the last planet until late, when Pluto past it with its circle and turned into the last planet again. Pluto
Sunday, August 9, 2020
How to Help People With Social Anxiety Feel Comfortable
How to Help People With Social Anxiety Feel Comfortable Social Anxiety Disorder Coping Print How to Help a Person With Social Anxiety Feel More Comfortable By Arlin Cuncic Arlin Cuncic, MA, is the author of Therapy in Focus: What to Expect from CBT for Social Anxiety Disorder and 7 Weeks to Reduce Anxiety. Learn about our editorial policy Arlin Cuncic Updated on September 28, 2019 Social Anxiety Disorder Overview Symptoms & Diagnosis Causes Treatment Living With In Children Paul Bradbury/Getty Images Whether you have a socially anxious houseguest, want to help someone with social awkwardness, or just want to make socially anxious friends feel comfortable, the following list of tips will put you on a path to being an empathetic friend. Tips for Making Someone With Social Anxiety More Comfortable Here are some tips to help you connect with and make someone with social anxiety feel more at ease: Provide structure. If a socially anxious person will be visiting your home, help that person to feel at ease by providing some structure for the visit. That might be as simple as telling that person what to call you (for example, Oh, please call me Mary. Mrs. Jones is my mother.), or as detailed as explaining any oddities of the house such as how to turn on the shower or where to find towels. The more welcoming and specific you can be with your guest, the less he or she will have to guessâ"which will allow greater comfort.Be empathetic. Try to put yourself in the shoes of the person with social anxiety. What would make that person feel most at home? Examples might include her favorite foods or offering topics for discussion about areas she is passionate about. Consider trying to find out what you can about the person before she arrives so that you can personalize her visit.Be a good listener. Pay attention, ask questions, and reflect back what you hear. Though the person with social anxiety might chat less than your regular houseguest, what she does say has probably been carefully considered.Play games. Take the pressure off of the person with social anxiety by planning some activities during the visit, so that you dont have to carry a conversation the whole time. Consider games that dont involve a lot of pressure and may help the person with social anxiety to open up, such as a light-hearted game of Pictionary or Trivial Pursuit. If your guest chooses not to play, but rather sit on the sidelinesâ"let that be okay too. She may change her mind when the game gets going. 8 Things People With Social Anxiety Crave How to Help Ease Social Awkwardness Of course, you cant fix someone else social awkwardness. However, you can certainly offer a helping hand to show that person ways to relate in less anxious ways to others. Below are some tips for you to help the person with social anxiety feel less awkward. Show how to do it. A person who has social anxiety might not have had a lot of experience in social situations, and may not be sure how to navigate them. Help that person by being a good role model. Know how to manage introductions, participate in small talk, and exit a conversation, and your new friend can learn by watching you.Meet new people. Help the socially anxious person practice these new skills by introducing him to your social group and giving him opportunities to practice. Choose friends for him for which there will be mutual interests, to make it easier for the two of them to talk. Challenge the person with social anxiety to practice one social skill, such as offering a tip about how to shake hands when first meeting someone.Offer praise. A person with social anxiety might feel that she isnt good at navigating social situationsâ"so be sure to offer praise. Tell her how everyone loved her story about when the two of you first met or that others were interested in getting to know her better. Often people with social anxiety overestimate negative reactions from others, so try to set the record straight. How to Help a Loved One With Social Anxiety Disorder Tips for Making Others Feel More Comfortable Be that person who makes everyone feel comfortable, and the person with social anxiety will be especially appreciative. Below are some tips to be that person. Use appropriate body language. Make sure that your body language indicates you are open and friendly, to help the person with social anxiety. Uncross your arms, lean in when you talk, and offer good eye contact. Above all else, offer broad smiles to show that you are welcoming of the other person.Show empathy. When a person with social anxiety shares thoughts or feelings, listen actively, and then reflect back what you hear with empathetic statements. For example, if a friend says I am so nervous about my upcoming performance, I dont know how I will manage, you can respond by saying It sounds like you have a lot on your mind. Offering a statement that shows you are listening and care is all that is needed.Show you are listening. Be careful about your body language when you are listeningâ"it should show that you are giving your full attention. The worst thing you could do to someone with social anxiety is to half-listenâ"to kind of listen while you tap away on your cell phone or kee p your eye on the clock. Instead, be attentive and focus on what the other person is saying.The devil is in the details. If you know someone in your group has social anxiety, try to be inclusive when talking. Dont use inside jokes that the person wont understand. Try to include that person in the conversation by talking about things to which he can relate.Be patient. Be careful that you arent impatient when talking to a person with social anxiety. Dont ask overly personal questions too soon, and dont be loud or obnoxious. Be aware the other person may need to go slow in the first stages of a friendship. Realize also that a person with social anxiety may be a step behind in terms of life hurdlesâ"such as feeling nervous about a first date while all the rest of your friends are married or divorced. Try to be patient and understanding even if it seems like your life trajectories are progressing at different rates.Find the right setting. A person with social anxiety might not feel com fortable talking in a loud or busy environment. If you want the chance to chat, try to steal away to a quieter location where the two of you can talk one-on-one.Find mutual interests. One of the best ways to make someone with social anxiety feel comfortable is to identify mutual interests that you can discuss together. Ask open-ended questions to try to learn more about the other person and what you might have in common.Be randomly friendly. You never know when you might be helping a person with social anxiety. Smile at strangers, offer a bit of small talk and generally be warm in an effort to make those around you feel comfortable. If you happen to cross paths with a socially anxious person, you might just brighten her day.Find the loner. Similarly, in a group situation, make a point to seek out the person who is sitting by herself and doesnt seem to know anyone. Whether that person has social anxiety or not, helping to include her in the group or having a private conversation t o get to know her better is an act of good faith and something that friendly people do to make others feel comfortable.Stay in touch. A simple way to make others with social anxiety feel comfortable is to stay in touch. That person might want to talk, make plans, or find out how you are doing but at the same time anxiety may prevent her from picking up the phone or sending an email. Be the first to get in touch and dont be resentful about it. You might be surprised when one day that friend reaches back out to you, because of your friendly nature. How to Be a Friend to Someone With Social Anxiety Disorder
Saturday, May 23, 2020
Strategic Planning Strategic And Tactical Planning
To be successful a leader or manager must have vision, and to have that vision come to fruition the leader must align that vision with goals, but the only way to achieve those goals is through planning. Every plan needs to operate like a map to success. Strategic and tactical planning, when used correctly, represent planning models that can lead companies forward toward the vision of their leaders, and the attainment of the goals those leaders have developed. Strategic and tactical planning work together. Strategic planning focuses on the big picture, and tactical planning supports that big picture by focusing on various items within it. Strategic Planning Once a leader has a vision, and set goals, unless it is a very short term goal, then strategic planning is often the best model to use to see that vision come to light. Strategic planning focuses on the big picture, and uses long term planning models to successfully arrive at the established goals for a company (Simerson, 2011). A strategic plan is action focused, and sets the parameters for how to move a company towards goals (Barnat, n.d.). Strategic planning is often hard to implement within a business because it is difficult to define fully, and getting hung up on defining strategic planning can lead to confusion (Molvig, 1993). Strategic planning requires research. Because it is a long term planning model, it gives time for review and recognition while following the plan to fruition (Simerson, 2011). Using strategicShow MoreRelatedStrategic Planning : Strategic And Tactical Planning1037 Words à |à 5 PagesIn my facility, we take a regimented approach to strategic and tactica l planning. There are usually multiple committees formed and operational at any given time, addressing various operational and clinical organizational needs. 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Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Sales Force Compensation Essay - 832 Words
Sales Force Compensation Adam Goode Dr. Ed Sherbert HRM533: Total Rewards November 4, 2012 Sales Force Compensation In order for a company to acquire the highest number of clients, that company must be able to fully motivate their employees. One of the primary factors to motivate the sales force is compensation. Employees that are in the sales force do want to get commissions for the sales that are made, but they do also want to get a base salary as well. A commission only structure can greatly motivate employees to make sales, yet if they only receive pay for making a sale, an employee might not feel that they need to come to work if they canââ¬â¢tâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦That is where a company can do a good job with the total rewards program that they do have set in place. The company can show employees that great work will be rewarded, yet they need to make it known upfront what that will be. Employees donââ¬â¢t need to be thinking that one person is getting better rewards because of a good connection that they have, but that employee should understand what rewards will be produced by what sort of results. The total rewards program should also help employees understand that the lack of results would end up having adverse consequences. This would help show employees that they should stay motivated to produce great results. The total rewards program should be able to be understood by all employees. Employees need to be able to see what type of compensation structure that they can expect for producing more clients for the company. Employees should be able to see if they will get a base salary as well as commission, and what kind of commission they can receive. Having that information visible can make the company seem very attractive for future employees. If someone canââ¬â¢t know what they will get for their job, they would not really be motivated for that job. Bonuses are also a great thing to help motivate employees in the sales force. A higher bonus might be delivered to an employee for the higher clients that employee is able to pull in. Employees can end up seeing that, which can then help motivate them toShow MoreRelatedSales Force Compensations Essay1306 Words à |à 6 PagesSales Force Compensation HRM 533: Total Rewards January 30, 2013 Abstract Keeping the moral of sales force in high level is critical in recent economy. One of the factors that enhance the attitudes and the productivity of sales force is a rewards program that recognize and addresses their needs. To assists in understanding the influence and role played by rewards program, Starbucksââ¬â¢s compensation plan will be used as a guide in creating an effective workforceRead MoreNon Financial Compensation Reward For Motivating Sales Force2446 Words à |à 10 Pagesimportant to stimulate the sales force for better sales performance and stronger commitment to their organizations. 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What are the advantages and disadvantages of using a career sales force versus an independent sales force? A career sales force that the company hires, trains, supervises, and compensates likely will be more loyal than an independent sales force. As the case notes, these career salespeople sell only JPF policies. They also learn and contribute to establishing and maintaining the organizationââ¬â¢s ââ¬Å"culture.â⬠They learn how things workRead MoreSale Force Target Essay975 Words à |à 4 PagesK-mart, but the atmosphere is a lot more toned and you can actually focus on shopping without being over crowded. Targets first symbol 1962 In order to motivate the sales force to produce the highest number of clients, describe six (6) features of an effective total rewards program Compensation ââ¬â what is the company willing to pay for this position? Benefits ââ¬â health, dental, vision, long-term care, retirement. Are these incentives reasonably priced for employees? Every employeeRead MoreProgreso Financiero1278 Words à |à 6 Pagesfalling significantly short of its sales forecasts (Exhibit 4), causing concern for investors and employees of the company. Second, Progreso has not yet identified a clear path to profitability. There are four key drivers to underperformance at Progreso Financiero: poor sales analytics systems, improper human resource management, poor managerial decision making and ineffective compensation incentives. The collective result of these shortcomings is that Progresoââ¬â¢s sales employees are highly unmotivated
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Epilepsy Control Prayer Type Exercise Health And Social Care Essay Free Essays
Epilepsy is caused by sudden bustles of electrochemical activity in the encephalon, which interrupt the ââ¬Ëconversation ââ¬Ë among nerve cells. Consciousness, memory, sense, address, temper, motion, and gestures can all be affected during the one or two proceedingss that the ictus lasts. Walking, jogging, running and stationary bicycling are peculiarly safe, but particularly ââ¬Å" Prayer type yoga exercising â⬠clearly benefits epileptic dwellers to command epilepsy because it frequently reduces ictus frequence, relieves depression, decreases societal segregation, and promotes cardiac and general wellness. We will write a custom essay sample on Epilepsy Control Prayer Type Exercise Health And Social Care Essay or any similar topic only for you Order Now This paper proposes the survey about yoga ââ¬Å" Prayer â⬠, which is non truly an exercising but similar to yoga, assisting in commanding of epilepsy and besides physically, mentally, spiritually relaxation can besides be achieved through this method. Spiritual spiritual believe and patterns have an of import impact on both physical and mental wellness. The consequence of exercising on ictus frequence and abrasiveness [ 1, 2 ] has been demonstrated, and exercising may confabulate a protective consequence on epileptic patients [ 3, 4 ] . Patients who contribute in physical activity present fewer ictuss than inactive patients, but neither the cause nor the consequence are established [ 1 ] . However, the alterations in the EEG created by exercising and the reduced response to hyperventilation after exercising are associated to steel cell acidosis [ 5 ] , bespeaking that physical exercising suppresses activity and raises the ictus threshold. In add-on, effects of physical exercising in human being with epilepsy has been demonstrated [ 6, 7 ] and physical preparation during the chronic period reduces the frequence of ictuss [ 7 ] . Brain metamorphosis during ictuss and interictal periods provides a signal of the cardinal nervous system structures responsible for the coevals, extension, and control of the epileptic activity. Epilepsy is a general term used for a group of upsets that cause instability in electrical signaling in the encephalon. Such as such an office edifice or a computing machine, the encephalon is a extremely complex electrical being, powered by approximately 80 pulsations of energy per second. There are many kinds of ictus i.e. Partial or focal ictuss, complex partial ictus, simple partial ictuss, absence ictuss, tonic-clonic ictuss, myoclonic ictuss, childish cramps, atonic or a kinetic ictuss and feverish ictuss. Before a ictus, many people experience a warning mark called an aura, which may affect a peculiar odor, feeling or ocular consequence. Additionally after a ictus, a individual may be confused, tired, or sleepy, experience musculus achings or tenderness, and may non retrieve what happened. Participating in physical activity and exercising has of import benefits, including preventing, handling and cut downing hazard factors for conditions such as coronary bosom disease, diabetes, high blood pressure and degenerative arthritis. Physical activity can besides positively impact terrible conditions, such as malignant neoplastic disease, and support life style alterations, such as smoking surcease [ 11, 12 ] . Furthermore, people with epilepsy face extra barriers to exert, as epilepsy well impacts their wellness and lifestyle [ 13, 14 ] . Many patients with epilepsy are physically inactive owing to frights of exercise-induced ictuss or counsel given by household members and wellness experts [ 15, 16 ] . Patients with epilepsy who overcome these barriers and concerns, nevertheless, stand to profit from physical activity in a figure of ways, with improved cardiovascular wellness among the most outstanding [ 17 ] . A survey in Scandinavia reported that, where 10 % of the population with epilepsy is prone to holding ictuss induced by strenuous exercising, another 30 % to 40 % of the study population experienced reasonably reduced ictuss following regular physical exercising [ 18 ] . Patients with epilepsy can by and large be confident to prosecute in physical activity, yet because of the specialnesss of each person ââ¬Ës epilepsy, audience with a doctor must predate activity [ 18 ] . Epileptic utilizations different ways of aerophilic exercising i.e. Dancing, Swimming, Pilates and yoga, Team athleticss, Weight preparation, Golf, Tennis, Squash, Racket athleticss, Rowing, kayaking, Cycling, Aerobics classes, Walking and jogging, but this paper nowadays another YOGA supplication type exercising, which is really nice as comparison to another exercisings, suited and easy for any one, any clip and besides can execute anyplace. II. Related Background Yoga physical exercising is by and large accepted to lend to general wellness and well-being superior temper, life quality and decrease in symptoms of anxiousness, unhappiness and depression [ 8, 9 ] . Positive physiologic effects, including improved cardiovascular fittingness are good standard [ 8 ] . However, during physical activity ( nonvoluntary hyperventilation ) , the increased respiratory rate is a creative activity of the greater metabolic and respiratory demand. This compensatory mechanism is wholly different from the procedure of non-physiological hyperventilation [ 10 ] . Many people with epilepsy do non take part in physical exercising classs and live a sedentary life [ 24, 26 ] . Momism, isolation, low self-pride, depression, and anxiousness [ 27, 29 ] are considerable barriers to an active life. Furthermore, obstacles for some individuals with epilepsy who desire to populate an active life are the impression that physical activity provokes ictuss and besides do them prone to hurts [ 24 ] . Several surveies have shown a low grade of engagement in physical activities among people with epilepsy [ 25, 26 ] . Although the chief concern with respect to physical exercising by individuals with epilepsy has been exercise-induced ictuss, other factors such as deficiency of preparation installations, jobs with transit, low motive, and fright of qualified teachers who know how to manage such jobs are noted [ 25 ] . Assorted surveies have been designed to analyze this topic comparing physical and societal activities among patients with epilepsy based on questio nnaires and/or clinical surveies [ 24, 30 ] . They besides assess physical fittingness by utilizing standardised trials of physical endurance [ 30, 31 ] and physical preparation plans [ 32 ] . Epidemiologic informations in the literature shows the relationship between epilepsy and physical exercising based on different populations from assorted states [ 25 ] . Observed that patients with epilepsy from a Norse population were half as active physically as the normal population and their physical fittingness corresponded to their sedentary life style. Other surveies have confirmed these findings demoing that people with epilepsy have a low grade of engagement in physical activities [ 24, 33 ] . The existent benefits of physical activities and aerophilic exercising are achieved by increasing bosom rate and take a breathing hard for an drawn-out period of clip. During this aerophilic activity the organic structure produces more energy and delivers more O to musculuss. Heart beats faster and increases the blood flow to musculuss and so back to lungs. Prayer is by and large understood as a communicative act between worlds and the Godhead. Yet as a communicative act it is slightly curious in that God ââ¬Ës ( the addressee ââ¬Ës ) presence and action is frequently rather unsure. Anthropologist Webb Keane notes, â⬠In contrast to face-to-face brushs of conversation analysis, the presence, battle, and individuality of religious participants in the address event can non ever be presupposed or guaranteed [ 34 ] . Prayer frequently seeks to convey about interaction between human existences and other sorts of existences that would ( or should ) non otherwise occur. Even belief in the ubiquity of deity does non guarantee that one can interact with it â⬠[ 34 ] . In contrast to interactions between worlds, supplication by and large involves uncertainness about whether and how the Godhead listens and responds, doing these dealingss remarkably complex [ 35 ] . Prayers are besides speech Acts of the Apostless, governed by peculiar sorts of address genres. As Keane ââ¬Ës quotation mark suggests, the fact that supplications can be distinguished as Acts of the Apostless of communicating with a Godhead histrion ( presence or agent ) organizes the certainties and uncertainnesss within these speech Acts of the Apostless in different ways [ 36 ] . Recent psychological literature concentrating on supplication and faith wages relatively small attending to non-agentic, subjective constructs of deity. Building on psychobiological evolutionary theoretical accounts of faith ââ¬Ës outgrowth as a response to peculiar biological and psychological riddles, Gods are interpreted and posited as speculations that play certain maps [ 37 ] . Increasing grounds suggests that religious and spiritual beliefs and patterns have an of import impact on both physical and mental wellness [ 19 ] . Data suggest that faith and spiritualty may be protective against physical and psychological unwellness every bit good as of import tools for get bying with life stressors [ 19 ] . More specifically, spiritualty has been shown to increase resiliency to depression in persons enduring from terminal unwellnesss religionism has been correlated with improved psychosocial accommodation in malignant neoplastic disease patients [ 20, 21 ] . In add-on, religious patterns, such as mindfulness speculation, have been associated with emphasis decrease and improved header among several populations, including chronic hurting patients, persons with panic upset [ 22 ] and overworked medical pupils [ 23 ] . III. Methodology and Results Yoga consists of a figure of ââ¬Å" Asnas â⬠or organic structure places, which one retains for a coveted length of clip while either declaiming ââ¬Å" Mantras â⬠or take a breathing in a rhythmic mode. Its benefits have been researched by many physicians who now recommend it to their patients, by many medical schools such as Harvard, and by many foundations such as the Menninger Foundation. The Muslim supplication has five places, and they all ( every bit good as the recitations we make while executing the supplication ) have a corresponding relationship with our religious and mental good being, harmonizing to modern scientific research. Muslims pray five times a twenty-four hours, which each supplication made of a series of positions and motions, each set of which is called a rakââ¬â¢ah. The benefits of executing specific motions and recitations each twenty-four hours come from the right rendering of the place or action itself, the length of clip the place is held, and from careful and right recitation techniques. Each of the five supplication places has a corresponding yoga place, and the places together ââ¬Å" trip â⬠all seven ââ¬Å" chakras â⬠( energy Fieldss ) in the organic structure. The TAKBIR and AL-QIYYAM together are really similar to the ââ¬Å" MOUNTAIN POSE â⬠in yoga, which has been found to better position, balance, and self-awareness. This place besides normalizes blood force per unit area and external respiration, therefore supplying many benefits to asthma and bosom patients. Fig 1. Takbir Mountain Pose Figure 1. Takbir in supplication and Mountain in yoga. The arrangement of the custodies on the thorax during the Qiyyam place are said to trip the ââ¬Å" SOLAR PLEXUS â⬠chakra or nervus tract, which directs our consciousness of ego in the universe and controls the wellness of the muscular system, tegument, bowels, liver, pancreas, gall bladder and eyes. When the custodies are held unfastened for duââ¬â¢a, they activate the bosom ââ¬Å" chakra, â⬠said to be the centre of the feelings of love, harmoniousness and peace to command love and compassion. It besides governs the wellness of the bosom, lungs, Thymus, immune system, and circulatory system. Fig 2. Qiyyam Solar Plexus Figure 2. Qiyyam in supplication and Solar Plexus in yoga. The place of RUKU is really similar to the ââ¬Å" FORWARD BEND â⬠Position in yoga. Ruku stretches the musculuss of the lower dorsum, thighs, legs and calves, and allows blood to be pumped down into the upper trunk. It tones the musculuss of the tummy, venters, and kidneys. Forming a right angle allows the tummy muscles to develop and prevents limpness in the mid-section. This place besides promotes a greater flow of blood into the upper parts of organic structure ââ¬â peculiarly to the caput, eyes, ears, nose, encephalon, and lungs ââ¬â leting mental toxins to be released. Over clip, this improves encephalon map and 1s personality. This is an first-class stance to keep the proper place of the foetus in pregnant adult females. Fig 3. Ruku Forward Bend Figure 3. Ruku in supplication and Forward Bend in yoga. The SUJUD is said to trip the ââ¬Å" CROWN CHAKRA â⬠which is related to a individual ââ¬Ës religious connexion with the existence around them and their enthusiasm for religious chases. This nervus tract is besides correlated to the wellness of the encephalon, nervous system, and pineal secretory organ. Its healthy map balances 1s interior and exterior energies. In Sujud, we besides bend articulatio genuss. Therefore triping the ââ¬Å" BASE CHAKRA â⬠, this controls basic human endurance inherent aptitudes and provides indispensable foundation. Sujud helps to develop healthy and positive thought along with a extremely motivated position of life, and maintains the wellness of the lymph and skeletal systems, the prostate, vesica, and the adrenal secretory organs. We besides bend the ââ¬Å" sacral chakra â⬠during Sujud. Thus benefiting and chanting the generative variety meats. Fig 4. Sujud Crown Chakra Figur 4. Sujud in pray and Crown in yoga. The place of AL-QAADAH, ( Julus ) is similar to the ââ¬Å" THUNDERBOLT POSE â⬠in yoga, which houses the toes, articulatio genuss, thighs and legs. It is said to be good for those prone to inordinate slumber, and those who like to maintain long hours. Furthermore, this place assists in speedy digestion, aids the detoxification of the liver, and stimulates peristaltic action in the big bowel. Fig 5. Tashahhud Thunderbolt Pose Figure 5. Qiyyam in supplication and Thunderbolt Pose in yoga. Last, but non least, the SALAM as ââ¬Å" THROAT CHAKRA â⬠in yoga is activated by turning the caput towards first the right and so the left shoulder in the shutting of the supplication. This nerve way is linked to the pharynx, cervix, weaponries, custodies, bronchial, and hearing ââ¬â set uping single creativeness and communicating. It is believed that a individual who activates all nervus tracts at least one time a twenty-four hours can stay good balanced emotionally, physically and spiritually. The physicians and medical practicians suggest for the epileptic YOGA, but in this paper we proved that pray has really close similarities with PRAYER. Since this is the end of all sincere Muslims, we all should endeavor to achieve the flawlessness of stance, recitation and external respiration recommended in the Hadith while executing our supplications the really same techniques of flawlessness taught in popular yoga, Tai Chi, and many other exercising classes.A IV. Decision Interestingly, for the 1000000s of people enrolled in yoga categories, the Islamic signifier of supplication has provided Muslims for 14 centuries with some of yoga ââ¬Ës same ( and even superior ) benefits. This simple signifier of ââ¬Å" YOGA â⬠offers physical, mental, and religious benefits five times a twenty-four hours. ââ¬Å" Prayer is one of the greatest and most first-class agencies of nurturing the new nature, and of doing the psyche to boom and thrive. ââ¬Å" These were some really meaningful words spoken by Jonathan Edwards over 200 old ages ago in his celebrated discourse on supplication. Timess have changed and so his society, but Edward ââ¬Ës message remains dateless. Prayer has non changed nor has its astonishing benefits. This paper shows that those who pray are physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually healthier than those who do non pray. Those who suffer depression, anxiousness, and even terminal unwellnesss frequently have a quicker healing clip, and more successful endurance rate. Possibly it is this brooding procedure that gives prayer one of its most outstanding benefits. ââ¬Å" Prayer that is invariably and diligently attended to be one of the best agencies of taking non merely an good-humored and pleasant life ; but besides a life of much sweet family with Christ, and of abundant enjoyment of the visible radiation of his visage â⬠, says Edwards in his address. To set it rather merely, when we pray, we are turning closer to the Lord we love. We are easing the battles in our lives and bettering our relationships, all the piece acquiring to cognize Him by larning His word, and using it to our lives in many meaningful ways. However, this is fact that non every supplication will acquire all those good substances and endocrines. If you are interrupted in the center of the supplication, you ca nââ¬â¢t obtain the full benefit. In amount, supplication is a sort of still speculation, yet traveling speculation gives better consequence. When you pray, it involves three maps ââ¬â the oral cavity when you chant, ear as you hear the intonation, and eyes are closed. But in traveling speculation, you will hold to command more of your maps. The more you can command them, the better you can equilibrate your head and organic structure. V. Mentions Denio LS, Drake ME, Pakalnis A. The consequence of exercising on ictus frequence. J Med 1989 ; 20:171-6. Eriksen HR, Ellertsen B, Gronningsaeter H, Nakken KO, Loyning Y, Ursin H. 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Saturday, May 2, 2020
Dynamical Stabilization of Currency Market â⬠MyAssignmenthelp.com
Question: Discuss about the Dynamical Stabilization of Currency Market. Answer: Introduction: The overall shareholders wealth maximization model and stakeholder capitalism model mainly depict the relevant return, which needs to be conveyed by the company to improve its performance. In addition, stakeholder capitalism model mainly comprise of concerns from employees, society, management, creditors, and shareholders. These concerns are mainly related to the overall profitability, which needs to be attained by the company to increase its overall investment value. The models states the concern for unsystematic risk, while systematic risks encircling the return generation capacity of the company. Both the models mainly allow and force the management to make adequate decision, which could help in attaining continuous growth and profitability from operations (Denis 2016). Debit to Australian company part of the current account and credit to the Chinese firm part of the current account. Debit to Australian resident current account, while credit to Singapore in the current account. Debit to German investor financial account, while credit to US in the financial account. Debit to Indian firm current account, while credit to Australia in the current account. Debit to Australian firm capital account, while credit to Japanese in the capital account. Evaluating and depicting about impossible trinity Impossible trinity is a term, which is adequate comprises of the free capital flow, fixed exchange rate and sovereign monetary policy. In addition, the depicted measures cannot be violated by countries all together, as it might increase the chance of financial crunch. The violation of impossible trinity was mainly conducted during 1997-1998, which dissolved the overall Asian economy. Governments are mainly advised to violate only two factors of the three impossible trinity factors, as it might help in supporting both overall activity and reducing any kind of financial crunch. In this context, Kaltenbrunner and Painceira (2016) mentioned that use of adequate measures could eventfully help the country take up adequate strategy, which might be used in boosting their economic growth without violating the impossible trinity. On the contrary, Beckmann et al. (2017) criticises that there are no theory, models, or assumptions, which could be used in reducing the negative impact of impossible trinity. Currency market strategy mainly comprises of direct and indirect intervention, which is conducted by central bank to control the flow or strength of their currency. In addition, the use of indirect intervention is mainly conducted by the central banks to strengthen or weaken it flow of currency in the market. Both the strategy is mainly used in controlling valuation of the currency of a country. The central banks mainly need to decrease the real rates to increase the flow of currency in the market and in turn devalue the exchange power. On the other hand, the Central bank mainly increases the real rates, which decreases the supply of currency and strengthens its value against different currency (Carfi and Musolino 2014). With the help of direct intervention, central bank mainly purchases the currency or sells is currency to the country to direct affect the overall ability of the currency, mainly increase the chance of. Stating the use of adequate hedging position that might be adopted by the organisation Amount Yen 40,000,000 Particulars Rate Amount Present value Spot 87.35 457,928 Forward 89.5 446,927 436,404 Unhedged position 91.45 437,397 427,099 Table 1: Depicting different values of hedging (Source: As created by the author) Particulars Japan Australian Borrowing 2.00% 1.00% Lending 1.00% 1.50% Borrowed 40,000,000 Amount received 39,215,686 Converted to A$ in spot rate 448,949 Interest amount received in three months 6,734 Amount received at the end of 3 months 455,683 PV of the amount received 444,954 Table 2: Depicting present value of the hedged amount (Source: As created by the author) The money market hedging is identified as the most viable option, as it allows the Australian companys exposure in Japan. Nevertheless, money market hedge use will let Australian company to obtain A$444,954 in 3 months after using discounting factor. While, the forward rate hedge will provide A$436,404 and non-hedge scenario will provide A$427,099. Reference: Beckmann, J., Ademmer, E., Belke, A. and Schweickert, R., 2017. The political economy of the impossible trinity.European Journal of Political Economy,47, pp.103-123. Carfi, D. and Musolino, F., 2014. Dynamical Stabilization of Currency Market with Fractal-like Trajectories.Scientific Bulletin of the Politehnica University of Bucharest, Series A-Applied Mathematics and Physics,76(4), pp.115-126. Denis, D., 2016. Corporate Governance and the Goal of the Firm: In Defense of Shareholder Wealth Maximization.Financial Review,51(4), pp.467-480. Kaltenbrunner, A. and Painceira, J.P., 2016. The Impossible Trinity on Steroids: Inflation Targeting and Exchange Rate Management in Emerging Countries.Development and Change.
Sunday, March 22, 2020
Thomas Hobbes Essays - Calvin And Hobbes, Atomists, Empiricists
Thomas Hobbes Thomas Hobbes was one of the first Western Philosophers that the world had seen. Hobbes's philosophies marked a departure in the English philosophy from religious emphasis of Scholasticism. Hobbes was born in 1588 in Malmesbury, Wiltshire. His father was a vicar of the parish during Queen Elizabeth time. He valued not learning and only read the prayers of the church. Hobbes obtained his education from his uncle and moved onto Oxford at the tender age of fifteen. By the time he reached Oxford he was already a scholar in Latin and Greek. He left Oxford in 1608 and began his companionship with the eldest son of Lord Cavendish of Hardwicke, later know as Earl of Devonshire. Hobbes traveled the European continent three times in his lifetime. These trips allowed Hobbes to get most of his work down and he usually traveled with a pupil. His first trip he took was in 1610 were he visited France, Italy and Germany. This trip he took with is pupil, Lord Hardwick. He learned the French and Italian languages along the way. This first tour of the continent did not allow Hobbes to learn his life purpose, but he did gain experience that could help him along his way. His second tour of the European continent took place in 1629 and lasted for two years. In 1628 his pupil and friend Lord Hardwick passed on and Hobbes had no duties to fulfill in the house. The second trip Hobbes took he had a new pupil the young earl, who was eleven when they left for the journey. When Hobbes arrived back he took over the education of his new pupil. Around the time he was educated the young earl, his philoschical views began to take place. It was not until his third trip across the continent that he began to fit in with the other philosophers of the world. The third trip he was accomplice by the young earl, Earl of Devonshire. The trip lasted three years, 1634 to 1637. The trip began a new chapter in Hobbes life, he began to publish books and his theories were starting to be written out into books. During the trip he was an intimate of Meresenne, who at the time was at the center of the scintitific circle. That circle include the like of Descartes and Gassendi. His first publication was when he returned titled, Elements of Law and politic. This book showed the theories that he began to evovle for him during this third and final trip. Hobbes fled to France for eleven years because of the fear of getting arrested from his book. He called himself ?a man of feminine courage?. In France he taught the Prince of Whales, later known as King Charles II, mathematics. While in London he also wrote his most famous book Leviathan. This book should Hobbes views on all the theories and ethical decisions. It was published in 1651, the same year he moved back to England. He moved back because he felt safer now in England then he did in France. In actuality he moved back because his book caused him to fear arrest by the authorties in France. He felt safer in England because of his former pupil took over the throne and Hobbes came into favor with the House of Commons. In 1666 however the house passed a bill to inspect his book Leviathan of charges of atheistic tendencies. This inspection caused Hobbes to burn many of his papers and delayed three publications of future books. His philosical theories were that people could have more then one loyalty and that they could be competing with each other. Mainly he was talking about the loyalty to God. Religion was a big deal back then and he stated that God could have a competing loyalty and that people should decide what is best for them. Loyalty to a person or a king should stop when death could occur to you. He stated that loyalty is a social act and that anything a person does is self-serving. Anything a human being does come full circle and benefits them in a way. A theory that Hobbes had, that I believe was pretty big,
Friday, March 6, 2020
The Eyes Of An Author essays
The Eyes Of An Author essays As a comparison of both content and the corresponding ways in which both Davis and McNeil fit within the historical paradigm à ¡Ã °Liberalism versus Political Economyà ¡ this paper will examine both the viewpoint from which each author writes from, and also build a critical analysis using a common theme from both à ¡Ã °something new under the sun,à ¡ and à ¡Ã °Let Victorian Holocausts.à ¡ The common theme from each book to be examined will be à ¡Ã °Waterà ¡ and how water has been exploited by both Liberalistic governments and to exactly the same extent by governments based on Marxism. McNeilà ¡Ã ¯s chapter six and Davisà ¡Ã ¯s chapter seven will represent the focal points of this paper. Water exploitation in various forms has been crucial in the rise of Western society. It is with this key point in mind that this comparison and corresponding critical analysis will be written. There can be little doubt that the environment has been a critical part of both Liberal history and Political Economy. It is also true that both McNeil and Davis have recognized the political gains available to those with control over the environment. Certainly each author makes the argument that the governments most adept at this environmental exploitation will be the government with the most influence over not only the people within it own borders, but over people in other countries, which governments look to influence. The fundamental differences in the ways that both Davis, and McNeil explore this exploitation, is severe. Davis writes from the standpoint of Political Economy, he is extremely critical of the Imperialistic British governments systematic exploitation of its colonies people. He is passionate about the way the Crown has throughout history taken advantage of the working class by gaining the favor of the elite in each of its colonies. Davis is detailed in his writing about the British Utilitarian needs, and the ways in...
Tuesday, February 18, 2020
Food Safety Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
Food Safety Management - Essay Example This paper outlines information that leads to determining the causative agent of the food industry is stated below. Moulds develop in food when the conditions are favourable to the bacteria. Acidic environment prevent growth of bacteria but favours the growth of moulds. Moulds are destroyed by high temperatures, therefore cooked food are free from mould infestations. Food spoilage can also be caused by insects, oxidation chemical and physical contamination. Fruits that are prone to contamination are meat, poultry and vegetables, but the food that are not commonly affected are sugar flour and dried fruits. Temperature control is a feature that preserves food. The temperature must be kept at specific level depending on the nature of the food product .Personal hygiene also is very important in keeping food safe for human consumption. Whoever is handling food must ensure that he is wearing bright coloured and that can be washed with ease. This study highlights that outdoor clothing must not be brought into food areas. Also personal hygiene for example illness should be considered. Any kitchen staff worker should be done proper vaccination to avoid the transmission contaminated food diseases. Food premises should be thoroughly cleaned and provide sufficient lavatories as well as hygienic changing rooms .There should also be hygiene training centres to develop the skills of good hygiene. Food hygiene is very important because it prevents food spoilage and avoids food wastages. Food handlers should avoid bad habits such as picking the nose, coughing and sneezing, using food sink s to wash hands these entire can transmit infections. Chemical contamination of food occurs in an event when dosage levels of some chemicals reach lethal levels. This type of contamination may encompass accidental contamination, which occurs as a result of poison being mistakenly taken as food.
Monday, February 3, 2020
Algebra Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1
Algebra - Essay Example After doing the calculations (shown above), the answers to the first two expressions turned out to be identical. This is because both the expressions are identities as shown below: The third expression consisted of a fraction, and both were solved simultaneously. After all the values were plugged in the fraction and the final fraction was obtained, it was reduced to its lowest terms by dividing the numerator and the denominator by a common divisor which in this case was 3. Incorporate the following five math vocabulary words into your discussion. Use bold font to emphasize the words in your writing (Do not write definitions for the words; use them appropriately in sentences describing your math work.): The formula to calculate dose for a child is where D is the adult dosage and a is the childââ¬â¢s age. In order to solve the equation, the given values should be substituted in place of the variables. For part a, D = 75 and a = 5. Incorporate the following five math vocabulary words into your discussion. Use bold font to emphasize the words in your writing (Do not write definitions for the words; use them appropriately in sentences describing your math work.): To specify the equation of a line, gradient and the y-intercept is required. A parallel line has the same slope as the original line but do not pass through any point of the original line. In the case of y = x + 4, the slope is 1, therefore a parallel line would also have the same slope. The y-intercept is found by plugging the values in the ordered pair. The equation of the parallel line is y = x+8. On the other hand, a perpendicular line cuts the line in such a way that a right angle is formed at the point of intersection. The product of the gradients of the perpendicular lines is equal to -1, which means that the gradient of the perpendicular line is negative reciprocal of the gradient of the original line. In the case of the given equation, the perpendicular line
Sunday, January 26, 2020
Masculinity In Marlowes Edward The Second Play
Masculinity In Marlowes Edward The Second Play Renaissance plays often have the tension between order and disorder as its underlying central issue, which is frequently expressed through the conflicts presented in love, loyalty, family relations, gender issues, and politics and law; and these plays attempt to reinstate order in the end by trying to dispose of those elements that cause the disruption of society. One widely celebrated author from this period, famous for his works Hero and Leander and Doctor Faustus, is Christopher Marlowe. Marlowes plays are similar in respect that the tension of order and disorder lies at its core, and an in depth analysis can be done of his play Edward the Second on all the previously mentioned themes. Marlowes Edward the Second questions the gender boundaries as presented in the early-modern period, and the notions on masculinity are closely intertwined with politics in this play, which can be noticed when focussing on ideas of masculinity with regards authority, sexuality, and women as presented in Marlowes play. Women, thus, were axiomatically perceived as being subordinated to men, especially concerning the financial and legal organisation of society. As the normal manner in which the head controls its body, the subordination of women was considered to be absolutely natural (hobby, 32). Domestically, the power rested with the father who was considered to be in command. Women were considered to be less rational than men and prone to emotional outbursts, and, consequently, they required male protection. (Traub, 129-130) According to Curtis Perry in Eros and Power in English Renaissance Drama, masculinity was stereotypically associated with rational self-command and constancy (6), and to handle public orders as opposed to personal desires (Shephard, 75), while effeminateness was linked to uncontrollable passion, spending to much time at home, and being dedicated to women in a subordinate rather than mastery position (Sinfield, 88). When discovered in men, these effeminate qualities instigated the downfall of social structures and positions as recognized in early-modern England; so, men should attempt to repudiate this effeminate behaviour and assert manliness. Furthermore, according to Stephen Orgel, manhood was not a natural condition but a quality that had to be striven for and maintained through constant watchfulness (Orgel, 29), which was done through manuals -for example Castigliones The Book of the Courtier- that emphasized masculine behaviour without showing effeminate behaviour. Other significant features of masculinity included fighting and violence, rivalry, uniforms, being a father, and facial hair. This last trait separated men from the boys who appear often in conjunction with effeminacyà ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã ¦[and] from the viewpoint of the masterful male they are both inferior (Sinfield, 103). Also, men are physically stronger than women, and in an age where there is no technology as existing today muscles were required for accomplishing hard, physical labour, resu lting in men being more dominant compared to women. Additionally, manliness generally meant hanging out with other males (Sinfield, 88) and, in the early-modern period social stability and order were governed by these homo-social bonds between men, for everyone was defined in relation to these. The social structure was constructed round systems of patronage and clientele between men, and many institutions required men to share domestic space with one another, especially beds. The relations between master/servant, or tutor/pupil for example were often specified in terms of an idealized friendship and were essential to society. The emphasis upon the importance of manliness as a performed role and the centrality of the inter-male relations as the basis of social order places the men and the male body at the centre of society (Hattaway, 482). Nevertheless, there were exceptions regarding the general gender-roles as mentioned above. Widows, for example, had some power in the domestic sph ere and in financial businesses, because they had no man to arrange their businesses. Moreover, Queen Elizabeth was a woman with power and control, and was thus associated with masculine qualities. Although females with masculine traits were usually perceived as anomalies of society, this was not the case for Queen Elizabeth who is considered to be one of Englands most remarkable leaders. In this period, the role of a king or queen was primarily a public position, and their authority and ability to rule the country was inextricably intertwined with their ability to govern themselves, which is a central theme clearly illustrated in Christopher Marlowes play Edward the Second. Kings were regarded as possessing ideal personal virtues that made it able for them to govern a country, which was seen as an extension of him/herself. Accordingly, personal self-control was a quality that was emphasized, because without self-control a king/queen was unable to govern his/her country. Perry observes that a king [was] bestowed upon a people by God, and if God wishes to reward a virtuous people, their ruler will be given the personal moral excellence to control himself(10). This implicates that a ruler should always have the best interest of the realms people in mind, respecting traditions and regulations, for the decisions made by a particular ruler and the manner in which he perfor ms his office effects not only his immediate subjects, but people of all degrees of society (DiMatteo, 177). This is a notion stressed by King James VI/I in his book Basilikon Doron: As he cannot be thought worthy to rule and command others, that cannot ruleà ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã ¦his own proper affections and unreasonable appetites, so can he not be thought wordy to govern a Christian people, knowing and fearing God, that in his own person and heart, feareth not and loveth not the Devine Majesty. (qtd. in Perry, 1) Also, there was no clear distinction between the kings personal life and private life, and, accordingly, the kings/queens personal identity and morality was a public matter. Rulers were considered to be the moral representatives of their people, and were required to set a good example: Kings, being public persons by reason of their office and authority, are, as it were setà ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã ¦upon a public stage, in the sight of all the people where all the beholders eyes are attentively bent to look and pry in the least circumstance of their secretest drifts. Which should make kings the more careful not to harbour the secretest thought in their mind, but such as in their own time they shall not be ashamed openly to avouch. (qtd. in Perry, 4) As a result, rulers had to control their feelings and personal desires for the sake of the countrys welfare and were not entitled to give up everything for, for instance, love or personal desires. This also meant that friendships should be chosen because of their counsel, nobility, and moral wisdom rather than for any more inward or subjective reason (Perry, 4), because rulers distributed wealth and power among these friends, meaning that is was imperative that these positions of power were granted to capable individuals for the benefit of the country and its citizens. Consequently, this had to be done according to reason and not according to subjective feelings. When decisions were made according to misguided reason and passion, political tyranny was the result, for the overthrow of reason by passion leads a ruler to violate the principles of moral rule.(4) Moreover, tyranny [was] often seen as effeminate and associated with moral weakness (8) because it results from the rulers inab ility to control his/her aspirations. In Marlowes play, king Edward II is incapable of regulating his own desires and thoughts, and the imbalance and the violence ensued by the kings affection for Gaveston reminded an audience just how important a rulers ability of self-control is. The problem issued by the nobility in the play of Edward having Gaveston as his favourite lies mainly in Edwards decision to bypass them and to bestow to much power on someone of low birth without their consultation, which is in lines with customary political regulations, that it is possible for that person to overawe them. Laws were considered to be issued by God, and if God had wanted Gaveston to be that powerful God would have bestowed him with more power, and by granting Gaveston with that much power Edward denigrates the rest of his peers as stated by Lancaster: In this play, Gaveston represents the unruly desires that threaten to overturn the rational social order of society. Gaveston believes that as the personal favourite of the king he will be empowered in such a way that [His] knee shall bow to none but the King. (1.19) However, Edwards peers insist that the king must behave according to his impersonal duty to the publics need by suppressing his own longing and desires and acting out of reason. Mortimer senior emphasizes this need to conform to public wishes in the play when stating: If you love us, my lord, hate Gaveston. (1.79) Here, Mortimer senior asks the king to distinguish between two kinds of affection. On the one hand, there is his personal love and intimacy he feels for Gaveston, which is ascribed to passion and personal desire. Contrastively, there is an impersonal kind of love determined by the public status in moral reason: namely the affection a king is required to hold for his peers. So, Mortimer senior asks his king to d isregard his personal feelings for his duty and honour to the public. (Perry, 27) Nevertheless, Edward II is unable to accomplish this stating: I will have Gaveston (1.95) solely because he loves me more in all the world.(4.77). The result is disorder and chaos through which Mortimer Junior with the help of most of the other peers and Isabella obtain power. However, Mortimer Junior is revealed to be a figure of passionate political ambition chasing his own passions and desire; a tyrant who revels in his unrestrained power planning to advance his friends: Essentially, Mortimer Junior can be likened in the end to how Gaveston began in the play: as a figure representing passionate misrule, characterized by political ambition. Nevertheless, Valerie Traub suggests that the conclusions of these kind of early-modern plays tend to restore the social order. And because chaos is often expressed as an inversion of gender hierarchy, the reconstruction of order tends to reinstate masculine authority. (132). In Marlowes play Edward III represents this masculine authoritative figure, and he demonstrates his competence through his willingness to punish Mortimer Junior and -more importantly- his own mother, showing that he is able to subordinate personal affections to that of public duty in contrast to his father Edward II. Edwards political inabilities are inextricably connected with his sexuality, and his inability to handle it accordingly causes the civil rebellion in the play, and, ultimately, his death. Male affectivity and the perception on sexuality in the early-modern period is difficult to describe, because in a culture were intense male friendships and shared beds were the norm- it is almost impossible to distinguish between friends and lovers.(Hattaway, 482) Accusations of being a sodomite did occur; however, this generally did not refer to explicit sexual acts but was used to accuse somebody for immoral behaviour and acting out of unruly desires. Moreover, sexual orientation was not perceived as being a significant part of someones character, but according to Perry homoerotic desire was typically thought of as something that anybody could feel but that nobody should give expression to.(7) Nevertheless, buggery was considered to be a crime punishable by death in this period. Sex was created b y God for procreation and not for recreational purposes, making buggery a sin against God. In Edward the Second, the kings homoerotic relationship with his favourite Gaveston is made explicitly clear from the start where Gaveston compares their relationship to that of the classical story of Hero and Leander, for Leanders nightly meeting with Hero after his swim across the Hellespont was specifically a union of sexual love(Marlowe, xviii) which in return helps to assign Gavestons speech with an erotic undertone: Sweet prince, I come; these, these thy amorous lines Might have enforced me to have swum from France And, like Leander, gasped upon the sand, So thou wouldst smile and take me in thy arms. (1.6-9) Another occurrence in the play where classical figures are evoked to remark upon the relationship between the king, his favourite, and their erotic intimate behaviour is uttered by queen Isabella, who remarks that that their affection is even greater than Joves affection for the beautiful Ganymede: Like frantic Juno will I fill the earth With ghastly murmur of my sighs and cries For never doted Jove on Ganymede So much as he on cursed Gaveston. (4.178-81) Ganymede (a beautiful Trojan boy who was taken by Jove to serve as a cup-bearer on Mount Olympus because he fell in love with the boys appearance) came to act as an image for homoerotic desires and passions, and -in the early-modern period- he became to represent the foul sodomite (Orgel), epitomizing the essence of personal criminality and immorality. Surprisingly, in this play the problem does not lie in Edwards need to have a male minion for his sexual pleasures, as remarked by Mortimer senior when stating that The mightiest kings have had their minions: Great Alexander loved Hephaestion; The conquering Hercules for Hylas wept; And for Patroclus stern Achilles drooped. And not kings only, but the wisest men (4. 390-396) However, Edward II and Gavestons desires constitute a cultural threat because they insist that their homoeroticism not be divorced from their political and social identities (Stymeist, 237), making it possible for Gaveston to gain access to power that he should never be able to obtain, and resulting in a [h]omoerotic desireà ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã ¦[that] enables a subversion of social hierarchy (Chedszoy, 256). Edward even places Gaveston next to him on the queens throne, underscoring the reversed, unnatural order present at court. Edwards fatal mistake, moreover, rests in his unnatural devotion to Gaveston while ignoring his peers and -more important- his homo-social obligation towards them. This becomes apparent when Edward II refuses to ransom Mortimer senior when he is captured in battle, which triggers the rebellion against Edward II by his former peers, because they fear that this failure of homosocial obligation could prefigure larger rebellion and disorder in the realm (Chedszoy, 257). Edward II neglects his peers, his queen, and his country by focussing solely on the wellbeing of, and his love for Gaveston, depicting him as effeminate and incapable to perform his duty. However, in the end Edward II reasserts some of his masculine qualities, showing the ambivalence of his sexuality as portrayed by Marlowe. Edward shows that he is able to withstand the sufferings and torture he goes through, revealing a masculine strength: He hath a body able to endure / More than we can inflict (24.10-11). Furthermore, the historical accounts on Edward II explain that he had won his wife in a game of jousting. This game was a premier way of proving ones masculinity, because it is a physical and dangerous sport that required toughness, fitness, and an ability to control your horse; which implicated that you were able to control yourself (Flood, Women, Men, and Sex). Last, queen Isabella -one of the few women present in Marlowes play- plays a significant role and goes through the most radical transformation during the play which questions gender ideologies that existed at the time, ultimately resulting in her demise. As stated previously, women were stereotypically portrayed as acting out of unruly passions and desires, and they needed to be subordinate and controlled by men (Ryan, 132). At first, queen Isabella attempts to make her marriage succeed for her, and she endeavours at being patient and obedient wishing that that her marriage to Edward will turn out for the better and hoping that her husband will no longer reject her emotionally and sexually. Edward, in turn, does nothing to try and make their marriage work, for his only concern is about Gaveston, and he openly scorns his wife by saying to Gaveston: Speak not unto her; let her droop and pine (4.63), while Isabella in vainà ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã ¦look[s] for love at Edwards hand (9.62). Chedgzoy observes that Marlowe repeatedly indicates that for both Isabella and Edward, an orderly reconciliation of their competing desires might be possible, so long as it also reconciles the political and personal aspirations that shape Isabellas dissatisfaction. (252) When Isabella brings the news that Gavestonà ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã ¦shall be repealed. (4.323), a loving reconciliation between the two occur. However, this reunion is only ephemeral because Edward is unable to maintain a suitable balance between his erotic desires, his love, and his obligations as a king. Isabella connects Edwards unnatural love for Gaveston directly with the countrys decline: Edward, thou art one among them all / Whose looseness hath betrayed thy land to spoil / And made the channels overflow with blood. (17.10-12). Consequently, Edward pushes Isabella in the arms of Mortimer Junior. However, Isabella is not merely an innocent woman desperately craving for love, for her adulterous behaviour is suggested from the start and her political ambition and sexual transgression grows more obvious when the play progresses (Stymeist, 246). She draws on recognizing and exploiting the power [she has] over Mortimer thatà ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã ¦ will lead to adultery and murder. (Fuller, 84) She tra nsforms from being an obedient wife to an adulterous, manipulative, and murdering woman, for it is Isabella, together Mortimer Junior, who conspire to Edward and Kents execution. According to Stymeist, Isabella becomes a nightmarish emblem of adultery and unnatural motherhood, allowing her son to be forcefully taken away by her paramour (246-247). Her political ambitions and her emotional distress caused by her husband go hand in hand. Furthermore, Isabella transforms from being a scorned wife with feminine desires and passions to being a military leader showing masculine qualities. She is described by Edward as a warrior queen whose eyes, being turned to steel, / Will sooner sparkle fire than shed a tear.(20.104-105), and her union with Mortimer Junior offers her access to political power. In the end, both Edward and Isabella need to be eliminated to regain the natural order at court and in the realm, emphasized by Sara Munson Deats by stating that Marlowes radicalism is ultimately contained by a pervasive disciplinary and admonitory ideology: the roles that Edward and Isabella ultimately select deviate too markedly from societys authorized subject positions, and so they must be sacrificed as scapegoats of their inflexible culture. (qtd. in stymeist, 238) All in all, in the early-modern period, men were stereotypically perceived as being the head of the family, to provide for them, and they were expected to act according to reason. Women were stereotypically perceived as being prone to emotional outbursts and acting out of desire and passion. These feminine qualities, however, can also be seen in Christopher Marlowes play Edward the Second in the male character of King Edward II. He is unable to rule his country because he is unable to control his personal feelings, causing a rebellion among his peers because he does not listen to them with regard to his personal favourite Gaveston. Edwards political inabilities are inextricably connected with his sexuality -ambivalently portrayed by Marlowe- and his inability to govern himself for the sake of his country results to his death. In addition, his wife, after emotional and sexual neglect by Edward II, undergoes a radical transformation in the play, from being a humble, obedient, and rejec ted wife to being described as a warrior queen whose emotional distress and political ambition causes her downfall, restoring the order with Edward III on the throne.
Saturday, January 18, 2020
Moth Man
Sarah Lyon October 22, 2008 Informative speech Comm. 103 T/R 200-315 The Moth man Lives Topic: The Moth man of Point pleasant West Virginia General Purpose: To provide information on the actual Mothman occurrences In point pleasant West Virginia. Specific purpose: To inform my class to the truth behind the movie the moth man prophecies and let them hear the err tale of the hauntings that are so close to our campus. I. Thesis: The Mothman proposes is a legend about a human side bird like creature that has been linked to many deaths over the years in point pleasant west Virginia.Organizational pattern Attention grabber: Im the type of person that loves Urban legends and when from the moment that I got to Marshallââ¬â¢s campus I wanted to find one. And then the hunt began, I searched and I found The Moth man. Most of you are problem familiar with him from the movie the mothman prophecies. However the story doesnââ¬â¢t end when the final credits started to roll. II. Background: In the early 1900's, an area outside Point Pleasant was designated the McClintic Wildlife Preserve. It was, among other things, a bird sanctuary.As part of the World War II war effort, part of the preserve was ripped up and converted to a munitions dump where about 100 cement and steel ââ¬Å"igloosâ⬠were built to house wartime explosives. These were later sold off to a variety of gunpowder, chemical and even bio-chemical companies. This area soon became known to the locals simply as the T. N. T. , and later became a popular hangout where young people would ââ¬Å"parkâ⬠and have parties. This is the area where many of the Mothman sightings occurred. III.Relevance: All of the sighting of The Mothman have been linked significantly to deaths around point plesant including the collapse of the silver bridge that killed 46. IV. Establish credibility: Now Iââ¬â¢d like to tell you that The Mothman is just a figment of our imagination and that we live in the safe state of West Vi rginia where nothing bad ever happens, but Iââ¬â¢d be lying to you. He has been linked to hundreds of deaths across our great state and there have been similar stories all over the world of a bird like mythical creature that brings about death. V.Thesis/preview: The Moth man prophecies are not just a subject tile for a popular thriller movie but a real life urban legend that exists here in west Virginia. He has been linked to hundreds of deaths and the great silver bridge collapsing. Transition: Even though it is hard to believe that a bird like man is responsible for killings around the entire state it is common knowledge that animals affected by strong chemicals can have strange mutations. Body I. How are the deaths linked to The Moth man? A. Prior to every death, reports of seeing a birdlike man with red eyes were sighted. . ââ¬Å"In the summer of 1966, sightings began to take place around the Ohio River. One woman reported seeing something looking like a giant butterfly, abo ut six feet long. On another evening a group of gravediggers saw what they described as a ââ¬Å"brown human beingâ⬠fly out of the trees. Later that November a man in Salem, West Virginia saw two red objects hovering over a field. His German Sheppard took off after the objects and was never seen again. â⬠(http://www. otherplane. com/am/ammothman. htm). 2. ââ¬Å"It was shaped like a man, but bigger. Maybe six and a half or seven feet tall.And it had big wings folded against its backâ⬠Roger Scar berry told reporters. ââ¬Å"But it was those eyes that got us. It had two big eyes like automobile reflectors,â⬠added Linda Scar berry. ââ¬Å"They were hypnotic. For a minute, we could only stare at it. I couldnââ¬â¢t take my eyes off it. â⬠(http://www. ufocasebook. com/themothman. html) B. The movie, The Moth man Prophecies is a semi-fictional account of a reporter who ââ¬Å"solvedâ⬠the story of the moth man. 1. In the film the reporter finds himself entranced by the legend when his wife has mysteriously died suddenly after a car accident. 2.He gets in his car after her death and arrives by accident in Point Pleasant west Virginia. 3. He becomes friends with the locals and starts to invest the eerie phenomenon that is engulfing their quiet American town. Transition: The movie was good at explaining what happened as far as the deaths due to the mothman but did not go into great details about how The Moth man was actually created. II. The story A. during WWII an area of Point Pleasant was inhabited by ââ¬Å"igloosâ⬠that were used to manufactory Trinitrotoluene (TNT). The ââ¬Å"igloosâ⬠housed the TNT until it was needed to be sent for war efforts B.The Igloos were sealed and had been hidden, the EPA said that there was no way they could have leaked out any of the chemical, however many choose to believe otherwise. C. The area is now known to locals as the TNT area. It is a recreational area for locals as well as a pla ce where teenagers tend to hang out and party. Conclusion I. Restatement of thesis: Despite common held beliefs that the moth man is just a creature that haunted the town of point pleasant wv, he is actually a bird preserve inhabitant that was destroyed by the efforts of WWII.He will still haunt the town of point pleasant forever because he is linked to over one hundred deaths but as we can see, we have no concrete evidence to show this.Bibilography: ââ¬Å"OTHERPLANE: Ancient myth paranormal mothman. â⬠OTHERPLANE. Otherplane. com. 22 Oct. 2008 ;lt;http:/http://www. otherplane. com/am/ammothman. htm;gt;. ââ¬Å"The mothman souce: chapter 1. â⬠The mothman legend. Ufobooks. 22 Oct. 2008 ;lt;http:/http://www. ufocasebook. com/themothman. html;gt;.
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